
Monday, December 18, 2006

Guerrilla war minded CPN (Maoist) going election centric!

Guerrilla war minded CPN (Maoist) going election centric!

Kathmandu Dec. 18, (ANI): Maoists associated with the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) are all set to give their faction a new look by going election-centric while putting aside the image of being warmongers.

Following the agreement on Interim Constitution, the CPN (Maoist) has recognized all the agreements and pacts they have signed with the State as a victory.

The Central Committee of CPN (Maoist) has initiated discussions on Chairman Prachanda's political report, which among others explains the party's new strategy in the wake of the party joining the interim government and interim legislature.

"It means we are going to change into election-centric structure from our war-centric structure," said a member, requesting anonymity.

Members of the Maoist Central Committee have been forbidden to talk to the press. Only Krishna Bahadur Mahara has the authority to say anything as the party's spokesperson, he clarified.

According to a source, Prachanda's report reflects the spirit of making the party structure more inclusive in terms of gender, ethnic groups, communities and regions.

The report has incorporated a separate report prepared by a committee headed by Ram Bahadur Thapa (Badal) that was formed in the last Central Committee meeting to suggest the new structure of the party in the changed context.

"We have to change also geographically as the party's wartime structure has its own geographical divisions that do not match with the existing 205 electoral constituencies, which we have recognized entering into agreements with other parties," he said.

Maoist leader Prachanda is the Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and the Supreme Commander of the People's Liberation army.

According to another party source, the Maoist party is going to decide the names of party leaders to represent it in the government and the interim legislature, as per the Badal committee's recommendation.

The meeting is also expected to give new responsibilities to party leaders Mohan Baidya and CP Gajurel, who are attending the Central Committee meeting for the first time after they were released from jails in India a few weeks ago.

Founded in 1994, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) or CPN(M) has been led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal alias Prachanda since 1996.

The CPN (M) is a member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the Coordination Committee of Maoist Parties and Organizations of South Asia. (ANI)


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