
Thursday, January 25, 2007


This piece of article cracked me up....

Funny side up

No one can accuse the Naxalites of lacking a sense of humour. This was evident from the rent contract some of them had signed in Bhopal with house-owners while they discreetly worked in an arms factory. One named Shivraj Patil, the Union home minister, as his father. When their cover was busted, the Maoist was asked why he had named Patil as his father. He referred to Patil’s recent statement in which he is supposed to have referred to Naxals as his “misguided sons”.


Shivraj Patil(Union Home Minister's) earlier statement about Naxalites


  1. Dear Abahy,

    I have aplan to compile a book on Comrade saketh Rajan,it was my long dream, recently I happened to see the book entitled "Connecting the postcolonial:Ngugi and Anand" written by Lingaraja Gandhi, who was his classmate in Maharaja's college in 1978,, Gandhi sir has aknowledged Saketh for is inspiration and it reads like this"I must make a particluar references to my friend, Saketh Rajan, who met death, premature.Although, has no direct role to play in this book, it was he, who showed me as my classmate in B.A in 1978, the path I am treading now, while he choose for himself a different path.I remember him with deep sense of affection.
    I have collected some pieces through news papers and magazines(print and electronic)plz guide me to achieve this great endevour

  2. dear friend will do all I can to assist you do get in touch with me by email...regards...abhay

  3. plz contact me at

    Plz help me out in this great endeavour


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