
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Public Interest in Maoist Ideology at all time high

As you type in the search box on Google Web Search , Google Suggest offers searches by other users that are similar to the one you're typing.
Some notable changes that have appeared in the suggested terms when one searches for cpi maoist is the emergence of three new keywords cpi maoist constitution,cpi maoist ideology and cpi maoist manifesto.

How Google Suggest works

As you type, Google Suggest returns search queries based on other users' search activities. These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors (including popularity of search terms) without human intervention. All of the queries shown in Suggest have been typed previously by other Google users. The Suggest dataset is updated frequently to offer fresh and rising search queries. In addition, if you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History enabled, you'll see search queries from relevant searches that you've done in the past. More

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