
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Swedish solidarity website for Indian struggles launched

A Swedish website with translations of english articles about people's movements in India has been launched.

The website can be accessed at

Another interesting website -

Readers can send useful information, documents to the email id given on the website.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding this site,
    first of all i wanted to express my gratitude to comrade K of Sweden for fulfilling my request. This is ONLY THE BEGINNING of this site. I met comrade K on internet through trying to sort out who was posting magnificent pro Naxalite Videos in You Tube thing.
    What I have suggested and, people-willing, is going to come true - is this: eventually, the site will have Swedish, English, Farsi, Spanish, etc. sub groups. What I want to happen is that people translate the English articles into their own languages and, tell the people of the world about what is happening in India and, get in touch with its solidarity and support committees and what have you. As a starting point, see the English articles of Jan Myrdal for example that is on site and make it Arabic, make it Tagalu, make it Turkish, make it French, make it whatever you know and send it to the site's contact to post it. I suggest even, if there are articles exposing the people's war in NY Times and, Time magazine and so forth that if not thoroughly but, partially exposes the people's war and Indian regime's operation Green Hunting's reality, then translate that damn thing. And tell people of your language to bombard India with STOP GREEN HUNTING e mails, letters, concerts, demonstrations, whatever that can be done.

    I hope it is enough explanation. so let's start making the indicated site as the Naxal Internationale literature weapon safe!

    Laal Salam to all who takes it seriously.

    (For seeing Farsi articles already posted somewhere about these Naxal buiz, check - translation sector.)


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