
Friday, March 21, 2014

Red Salutes to the CPI(Maoist) - Adapt, Change and Conquer.

“ It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; Who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
- Theodore Roosevelt (26th US President (1901-09), 1858-1919)


  1. i simply donot understand how you could revolution in this country by handful; of people, fighting with arms is ok, but donot forget, you need to be in the system to change the system.

    1. It seems that you are just a kid. Having little knowledge of History as well as our country. Just think that mighty USA could not win Vietnam war..that is your answer.

  2. I await news on the blog. Loved all the posts.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. u comrades should knw one thing that ,,,,, lotz of innocents peoples are also suffering from your violence
    dnt forget we communist must stand for poor people ,,,

  4. I salut & support your every action LAL SALAM

  5. the Jawans you killing also come from very very poor background. Some of them sole family bread earner. killing them will result in nothing.

  6. with this arm struggle what you have earn? just nothing. Politicians not caring your revolution. Big cities enjoying there life. Only the poor tribes suffering. Surrender and get the government contracts and ear money

  7. I fail to understand for whome you r waging this so called revolution.If u really care for the people of your region give up arms...enter mainstream politics...bring development to ur region.Raise hospital,Schools, universities, employement......and live a peaceful life.A peaceful life need not b luxurious but atleast its full of contentment.I really pity young charismatic cadres who are disillusioned.Even if fight for coming 10 decades ders nothing u can get apart from poverty, illness, threat,bloodsheed illeteracy. But if u follow the path of non violence and adopt a pro development approach then ur life will be meaningful for u, ur family, , others family and nation as a whole

  8. And to all those who lend a support to thier cause...just place one of ur family member amongst those 76 jawans killed and see if u can still extend a salute...a honourium over this bloodshed.I believe which so is my personal opinion that u would be dispelled at the very thought of seeing someone so close to u ribbed by bullets.

  9. lalsalam comrades ingulab sindabad

  10. Why you people do not make a master plan to kill the blood-suckers of RSS, Sangh Parivar and top industrialists. It is intolerable to see that white-beard bastard in the front page every now and then. Why not make a commando team and undertake this 'Grand' task? Only you people can do this.

  11. iam join in naksalite pleas cantact.9912161286..........

  12. Hellow in Sanoop from kerala. 8606513428 contact me

  13. i hate you blody naxal my home state orissa is most effected by you blody bihari,bangali,and telugu go to hell.


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