Monday, April 30, 2007

40th Anniversary of the Naxalbari Movement

23 rd May 2007 will be the fortieth anniversary of the Naxalbari Uprising.

A friend recently reminded me of the importance of this year

This year is a commemorative year as 30 years ago,in 1977 was a landmark year for the C.P.I(M.L)Groups that followed Charu Mazumdar,particularly in Bihar.For the first time mass movements were deployed.(refer to Bela Bhatia's article on Bihar)

It is also 25 years since the C.P.I.(M.L)Party Unity group was formed which merged into the C.P.I.M.L(Peoples War) in 1998,and which later merged with MCC
to become C.P.I(Maoist).It is also 25 years since the U.C.C.R.I.M.L led by
H.B.S held it's special conference upholding the rectified international

It is also 20 years since the Dalechauk Baghera attack launched by MCC.
and 20 years since the historic anti-Khalistani rally in Moga in Punjab.(July
10th)later this year will be the 30th anniversary yaer of the formation of
Central Team Group also.

It will also be the 40thanniversary year of the Naxalbari movement on May
23rd this year.

Naxalrevolution has decided to conduct if possible a few interviews with people associated with Mass organisations and leaders of the various parliamentary naxalite factions who were inspired by naxalbari and own their origin directly or indirectly to the Naxalbari uprising.

In view of the enormous task and our limited reach
Naxalrevolution invites its readers to send in articles
written by them and of any interviews that they are
able to conduct.

You can email them to us in text format or mp3 format.

If the file you are sending to us as an attachment is large.
then please send it to us at
naxalrevolution(at the rate)gmail(dot)com

We will publish any material we receive.

We also invite suggestions from readers as to how we can commemorate
this occasion and take the message far and wide.

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