WITH further intensification of the land struggle of the poor in Andhra Pradesh led by the 195 mass organisations, the repressive measures of the Congress government assumed inhuman proportions, shedding the blood of the agitators. Seven innocent people were killed including a woman, at Mudigonda in Khammam district in police firing. 16 others were injured.
At Mudigonda, when about one thousand poor people were conducting rasta roko, a circle inspector and another sub inspector of police entered into arguments with the agitators, demanding them to give up raasta roko and threatened them of resorting to lathicharge.
Reviling the local CPI(M) leader, Bandi Ramesh, the police started beating him up black and blue. When the agitators were questioning the police action and trying to release him from the clutches of the police, the additional SP, who arrived there with additional police forces, ordered firing.
The police, which now included anti-naxalite squad personnel in plain clothes who carried AK-47s, started to fire on unarmed peaceful agitators without any prior warning. It is mandatory that the police first announce to the people its intention to resort to firing, and then fire in the air and later if necessary fire below the waist. None of this was followed. In the indiscriminate firing by the police, four people died on the spot and another two people, who were injured in the firing, died while being shifted to a hospital. The seventh person died three days later in a hospital in Hyderabad. All of them had bullet wounds above the waist. One aged person was fired on the head.
Another sixteen people were injured in the firing. The police fired 100 rounds which reflects their brutality.

trained Death squads which have murdered hundreds of naxalites and naxalite sympathisers
in the last few years.The State has now started using them on civilians

Dead bodies piled up after the police fired more than 100 rounds on unarmed protestors

them was bullets..
When Industrialists knock on the doors of the state the government machinery falls at
their feet and gives them hundreds of acres of land at throwaway prices
but when poor and landless laborers demand the land which is rightfully their own
the government shoots them dead !
A government of the rich,by the rich ,for the rich .
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